ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System (E)
What is ISO 14001?
This standard describes expectations on a global scale for a management framework that allows one to become aware of how to engage and manage their environmental relationships.
Due to its nature, there are several ways when explaining ISO 14001; to assist in this regard here are just a few:
ISO 14001 is a specialist “Pack”
It can be utilised as:
- Information process to transform the organisation
- A way to improve productivity
- A “Pack”, to guide the organisation to be, “ONE” with nature
- Enhance and develop a “Supply Chain” and/or “Suppliers” of choice
- An identity to trade globally
- Raising the, “Bar” beyond one’s competitors
- Du-diligence guide for succession planning e.g. Selling, transferring etc.
- Direction in maintaining an Environmental Management System (EMS)
ISO 14001 is deemed a voluntary standard:
- Assists and enables an organisation to reduce their footprint
- Supported by global consensus
- Addresses regulatory compliance
- Du-diligence of evidence compiled
- A mechanism for risk management and more…
ISO 14001 “Pack” serves as:
- A framework to manage
- A measurement platform
- Evaluation productivity and efficiency
- Internal audit the performance of a (EMS)
- Determining which impacts on the organisation remains your responsibility for both attention and actions
- One is responsible for setting objectives and targets
This, “Pack” can apply to all size of organisations, be it for profit or none profit regardless of economic region in a global market.
ISO 14001 EMS
What you do today, has an impact on tomorrow. The challenge for many when assessing their organisation is what it does or what directly impacts on the environment. You, we and/or I determine the strategy for generations to come and therefor we need to manage all aspects of our environment.
Without doubt these aspects have a cause and effect relationship as environmental impacts being the impact or consequence.
An organisation must never believe that what it does is negative as not all impacts are significant.
For the SMME (Small, Micro, Medium Enterprise)
Sooner, rather than later we all have a role to play in what we do and how our performances impact directly with the environment and possibly how this effects community surroundings. Regardless, as each organisation will be monitored, measured and judged accordingly if you say your organisation has an EMS. Especially, where opportunities for the SMME’s are becoming greater to supply various products and/or services to larger organisations or even governments.